In the Runnymede area and in need of an auto locksmith? We are a qualified vehicle locksmiths for the Surrey area and offer a 24 Hour emergency service. We will come to you where ever your car is and get you back on the road with the minimum of inconvenience to you and your passengers.
We also offer a complete auto locksmith service for the following areas:
Auto Locksmith Repairs in Runnymede
Finding you’ve lost your keys or locked them in your car is something that can happen any time of the day or night. That’s why we offer an emergency 24 hour a day, seven days a week auto locksmith service.
We offer a complete auto locksmith service including vehicle entry, key cutting and transponder key and ECU programming, as well as door lock repair and replacement. Being an emergency mobile service means we can carry out all repairs at the roadside or where ever your vehicle happens to be.
What kind of car key do I have?
If your car was manufactured after the mid 90’s then it almost certainly be equipped with a factory fitted immobiliser. This means in order to start your car a transponder key is required. These are a special kind of key that have a built in electronic chip, this chip communicates with the immobiliser when the key is inserted into the ignition. Although these types of keys have reduced car crime dramatically they are prone to failure due to the hi-tech nature of their design.
We have the hardware and software necessary to program blank keys to work with your cars locking system, we also have the required machinery to cut keys. We carry the required equipment with us as a full mobile auto locksmiths.
If you find you’ve lost lost your keys, had them stolen or have broken your key off in the lock and are in the Runnymede area of Surrey then we are only a phone call away – 07863561075 – and can be with you quickly to help get you back on the road with minimal disruption to your day.
Manufacturers we service
We can offer an auto locksmith service most of the cars on the road, including the following:
- Alfa Romeo
- Citroen
- Daewoo
- Fiat
- Ford
- Honda
- Hyundai
- Jaguar
- Jeep
- Kia
- Land Rover
- Mazda
- Mercedes-Benz
- Mitsubishi
- Nissan
- Peugeot
- Porsche
- Range Rover
- Renault
- Rover
- Saab
- Skoda
- Subaru
- Suzuki
- Toyota
- Vauxhall
- Volkswagen (VW)
- Volvo
Have a look here if you want to know about specific car models we can open and cut keys for.